Cineplex Cinemas Milton — Movie Theater in Milton

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Cineplex Cinemas Milton

Movie Theater at 1175 Maple Ave, Milton, ON L9T 0A5, Canada, Milton, Ontario, L9T 0A5 . Here you will find detailed information about Cineplex Cinemas Milton: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


1175 Maple Ave, Milton, ON L9T 0A5, Canada, Milton, Ontario, L9T 0A5
L9T 0A5

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About Cineplex Cinemas Milton

Cineplex Cinemas Milton is a UK Movie Theater based in Milton, Ontario. Cineplex Cinemas Milton is located at 1175 Maple Ave, Milton, ON L9T 0A5, Canada,

Please contact Cineplex Cinemas Milton using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Cineplex Cinemas Milton opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Cineplex Cinemas Milton

  • Hannah
    Added 2016.05.07
    The movie was great. Waiting in line almost a half hour for popcorn was not so great. To be fair, it was during the holidays and I was there to see Star Wars, so I understand, but better organisation of the lines for concessions would be something for management to consider. Overall, the way it is organized presently is highly inefficient and I may chose another location for my next visit.
  • Sofia
    Added 2015.03.08
    It seems most everything here is self serve with the exception of the concession stand. The service we received was pleasant. The cinema was clean and we enjoyed our movie.
  • Naomi
    Added 2014.12.20
    They made us wait until 615 outside in the freeling cold to see a movie that stared at 645. One of the worst customer service experiences in my life.
  • Penelope
    Added 2014.12.19
    It's abundantly clear how this theatre is dealing with the mandatory minimum wage pay increase. They are not staffing as many cleaners and have lowered the temperature in the building. They are not refilling condiments containers and the empty containers are filthy. I assume they will just be refilled at some point without cleaning them first. What I wanted for my food I went without. The bottom row of seats was where all the garbage was being swept and left, peoples left over food. The hallway was littered with wrappers and garbage. I sat through a 2 hour movie with my parka on. I sat shivering, my legs and face were frozen. I did not enjoy myself or the movie. Really, Cineplex doesn't make enough money? The pay increase comes out of the consumers end not theirs. How long before people start getting sick from cleanliness issues? I won't be back.
  • Elizabeth
    Added 2014.05.13
    A good place to go for to see a movie. Places are kept pretty clean. And you can go any time and get get seats for a movie. My only issue is with the service. They took away the ppl at the front counter, so you're forced to buy tickets from a machine, and if there's issues, no one is around to help.
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